Family club of Gurchin, Hurczyn,Gurchinoff,Gurcinas


England Russia Lithuania Lithuania

Ladies and gentlemen, brothers by blood and potential relatives,
or simply fans of genealogical research and Internet lovers!

After several years of work on the search for historical roots, relationships and just life stories of people who have the surname Gurchin, we decided to start work on the formation of our own Internet site, hoping that it would substantially increase the search coverage and enthusiasm among the simple-minded and fans genealogical research. Working with the materials of historical archives in Lithuania, the Russian State Historical Archive (St. Petersburg), Russian State Military-Historical Archive (Moscow), as well as the historical archives of Ukraine, Belarus, Poland and Czechoslovakia led to the conclusion that among Gurchins the simple-namesake is not. Able to establish that they all origin from Poland.
This documentary traces the two-line.

Do not forget the ancestors!
Family Tree Gurchin
Tree Ieronim Gurchin
(1600 г.)

Tree Ieronim Gurchin (100%)
442 persons

The rest tree

Неприкрепленные древа

Tree Alexei Gurchin
(1612 г.)

Tree Alexei Gurchin (100%)
291 persons

История Древа Иероним
Ieronim Gurchin

Tree Ieronim Gurchin
(1600 г.)

История Древа Алексей
Alexei Gurchin

To determine the genealogical branch to which you belong, one must recall all that is transmitted from parents, even seeming myth. Furthermore, this information begins to stick to all the genealogical tree and myths. We accumulated many information, as well as trees continue to grow. Their branches are located not only in Europe but also in North and South America. Sometimes you want a lot letters with the sponsors to make a clarification. Sometimes necessary to seek various archives.

Fate have scattered Gurchin around the world, but they have common ancestors. See the article "Do not forget their ancestors" - "here" .

Don't give up your attempts to get in touch with us. And in order to leave your message click "here".

Historical documents, materials, files, correspondence


Family Tree


Герб Крупосин

Jeronim Gurchin
see more>

Аптека основанная Даниилом

Alexei Gurchin
see more>
Гурчины, деревня (район Свислочский, Гродненская область)