Origin of family name

England Russia Lithuania Poland


According to official documents, this line recorded the year 1653, when the nobleman Jeronime Gurchin emblem Kruposin bequeathed their estates sons. Manor located in central and eastern Lithuania, as if it was a Polish-Lithuanian state.
After the conquest of Poland, Russia aristocracy was confirmed Geroldiey Russia. There is a formal family tree of the genus in 1898. Name Gurchin contributed encyclopedia Brockhaus and Efrona 1893, 1904 years.
We find the descendants of most branches of the tree. Most of them (about 50) live at the historic home - Lithuania and the Lithuanian version is family name – Gurchinas (Gurcinas). Many of them have a correspondence. On the territory of modern Russia a few lives in St. Petersburg, Irkutsk, Moscow, Stavropol and Novocherkassk. These are the people who identified thus far. Total tree Jeronime contains about 190 persons.
 Гурчин  Hurczyn  Gurchinoff
 Gurchin  Gorczyn  Gurčinas
Gurtchin  Gurczyn  Гурчiн
 Goorchin  Гюрчин  Гурчын

Additional information about the origin of the names:
Historical Documents (Documents from Archives)
Etymology names Gurchin Tanya
Information Different Sources Gurchin Igor  
Correspondence and literary sources Gurchin Igor  
Polish Materials Netczuk Lukasz  
The Iranian roots Gurchin Igor  


Family Tree


The Arms Kruposinas

Jeronim Gurchin
History Family tree

The doctor Daniil Gurchin

Alexei Gurchin
History Family tree

Гурчины, деревня (район Свислочский, Гродненская область)
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