Perhaps our visitors will be interested to know that in Iran is an ancient castle, the mountains and the bridge that sound (pronunciation) as Gurchin and written in English as Gurchin (Goorchin).
Here you will find correspondence with foreign authors on the subject.
Letter to T. Mollov
todor mollov <>
Hello, Mr Todor Mollov!
A year ago, you really helped me with the history of my surname - Gurchin. I am very pleased that it has a South Slavic origin, on behalf of George. On the Internet, I was looking for possible ways of its migration to the north of Poland, Lithuania and Russia. In the archives of Lithuania, I found a family tree of his ancestor - Jerome, who was born in Poland around 1600. I would like to know the earliest reference in the documents name (surname) Gurchin.
Perhaps you know this information. I'm hoping for contact with Anastasi Gurchinov - professor at the University in Skopje in Macedonia. Registered letters sent to her, but she did not answer.
Quite unexpectedly, the name Gurchin met in Iranian sources in the name of an ancient palace and the mountains. I found online that in this area works dentist doctor who writes his surname differently Goorchin - Gurchin. It is known that the English do not pronounce the name Gurchin as we - Гурчин. Option surname Goorchin sounds like Gurchin. I wrote him a letter, but received no reply.
The question arises, what fate linked spelling and pronunciation of names Gurchin in Europe and Asia?
Perhaps you know people, historians who are interested in these issues. I would like to know them and your opinion.
To make it easier to understand the essence of my question, I enclose you a file with the fragments of your letter to me and my letter to the doctor in Iran.
Dear Todor Mollov, I am infinitely grateful to you for the letter you sent to me to the history of surnames Gurchin. The letter is warm, as is the land where you live. You're the only person who replied to my letters. Read your emails - great fun. As well, we have some native languages.
Igor Gurchin. 16-03-2008. Russia.
Letter from T. Mollov
This is a part of your letter
Hello, Mr Gurchin.
I received a letter with your request and will try to answer as far as my abilities allow. The song is named with Gurchin you cite, is devoted to the activities of the hero, Captain Kuzman in Ohrid area, located in Macedonia. In the first decade of the nineteenth century, he served in the Turkish countryside, which is owned Dzheladin Bay - bori. It is located in the area before area Debrsko and Ohrid. There are a lot of songs among the people, which are recorded from 50-60 years of the nineteenth century to the present day (Кузман Капидан в воспоминаниях народа. /Приредил Марко Китевски. Скопjе, 1990, 274 с.). In some of those stories is described as was hunting to a robber by the name of Murad. His work Captain Kuzman gets information from his friend by the name of Gurchin (in the contemporary Macedonian spelling the name it started with the sign Ѓ - Ѓurchin) (цит. съч., с. 197, 216, 224, 226, 228, 240 и др.). If you look through the search engine GOOGLE the name "Ѓurchin", you will see that it occurs among the names on the territory of Ohrid and Debrsko. However, before the twentieth century is the name often perceived as a surname. That is, it gradually fell away as a personal name and it became a surname. In the Balkans, the names are often mistaken for the surname and remained so for long periods of time.
Personally, I think that the name Ѓurchin has one feature - a graphical symbol (Ѓ) passed the "soft G" (Гь), a vowel, ie, the name sounded like a really Gyurchin. This is a dialect form of a personal name - Gyuro, that is, as umalitelnaya (or abbreviated form) from George. Format Gyuro widespread in modern South-Western Bulgaria and Macedonia as a whole in the (there are many entries in the folk songs). From Gorgi formed and another similar name – Giorche(Гьорче).
I wish you success in the difficult research. I hope that what I was use to you.
I congratulate you from still sunny and warm in Bulgaria!
Todor Molov
Letter to doctor Marefatgurchinqaleh, Hoja
Dear mister Goorchin, I have learned the information on you from the Internet and your web-site. In the same place the address of e-mail is specified.
I think, that the knowledge of the ancestors is not mere curiosity. It – spiritual communication and a spiritual duty. Souls of ancestors will feel, that them have not forgotten and a difficult minute can help us.
The big interest is represented with migration of a surname and its historical native land. Now there is an information, that surname Gurchin has got from Macedonia to Poland and further to Lithuania and Russia. In searches of happiness Gurchins immigrated in other countries, it is especial in USA. Russia is a lot of years conducted war with Turkey on Caucasus (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan). Generals participated in them with surname Gurchin. Due to the Internet, in Iran it was possible to find surnames of persons, names of settlements, mountains and even palaces, which names are written and sound as Gurchin in the English transcription. It is casual or natural? I doubt, that names of all these objects and subjects are connected to foreigners. Among them there are names historical, but adapted to modern lexicon.
I have in a kind your surname – Goorchin. It sounds on english more correctly, than Gurchin which very much frequently meets in the American written sources. Who and when has entered “OO” into your surname? In the most ancient languages three initial sounds in our surname meant “ high, sacred, the teacher...”. Whether your surname Has the attitude(relation) to a history of Iran?
In a history of Iran it is specified, that Historical Goorchin Ghaleh castle located in 10 km. south to Salmas. Who built this lock? Apart from the said tablets, other interesting artifacts are also in Goorchin-Qaleh or Goorchin Castle.
In one of articles (“ 5000-Year-Old Chul-Tappeh Another Victim of Unleashed Dam onstruction Project in Iran ”) it is written about destruction of the historical bridge - “ The Report showed that in order to prepare the site for construction the officials have sanctioned the flattening of the Ilkhanid bridge of Gurchin (Gurchinlu) and a Partho-Sasanian. ”. Whom and when the bridge has been constructed?
Advertising agencies recommend to visit in Iran mountain area Gurchin.
Gurchin Alternates names : Gogarchin - Gowgar Chin - CoordinatesUTM : Latitude : 37.903 Longitude : 46.904.
Places near Gurchin Nowjeh deh-e sadat - Qal`eh qazi - Sinab - Turaqayeh. There is a question why this place has name Gurchin? I have not found the answer the Internet.
Dear mister Goorchin, probably the destiny has directed you to Iran to help us to understand our genealogic, and, probably, and genetic roots. We shall be very grateful to you if you share with us the information. Probably, such information your patients have. Probably, you know, where in the Internet it is possible to read about it in English or German language. I own these languages a little, but I use electronic translators. The Arabian writing is inaccessible to me.
Yes the God stores you.
My address - Gurchin Igor I. Street. Krupskaja , 88 Novocherkassk, Russia, 346422
My electronic address-
PS. 1-02-2009. We are still working on an English version of the site. Visit our website There is still hope for contact with you.