Territorial division, geographic names and terms
In the XVI - XVIII centuries the territory of the Polish-Lithuanianstate and the Uniate subordinate Ukraine and Belarus (and otherlands - Rzeczpospolita) was divided by province and district(Polish "powiat" has the meaning "district"). In 1837, when he was drafted "Origin", the Kingdom of Poland was part of the Russian Empire, the administrative units of provinces and districts. The autonomy of Poland and its constitution of 1815 were abolished in 1831.
The Polish version of the same " Origin" contains: province,district, and the term "district council".
Therefore, for convenience, I use only the translation of Russianterms. The only thing that I left without translation, the mysteriousdecline "Xstwo Zmydz". I can interpret it as "Xiazestwo Zmydz", ie the first word isshortened titla (~) for the initial and final letters, and the Polishinitial combination ks (Ksiazestwo) replaced Latin X (X), although it reads the same. Translation - "Principality Zhmud" or a variant, moreunderstandable in Russian - "Duchy of Lithuania".
This is consistent with the historical truth, as Poland and Lithuaniawere united by the union in 1560 under the name of the state, the terms "Polish Crown" and “Grand Duchy of Lithuania” (seeinformation about Jerome). Zhmud Жмудь (lit.
Zhemaitia) - a historical region of Lithuania. On the other hand, H. Zhmudsky named city.
Zhmudsky consistory (church organ with administrative and ecclesiastical-judicial functions) is mentioned along with the Vilna consistory.
Probably, the status of city H. Zhmudsky is by the province as and Vilna, which is the center and the Vilna province (in the past -
Vilnius province), and the center of the district (county) of Vilna. The word "Zhmud" I also left without translation, because in the modern Polish - Lithuania is called "Litwa".
The letter "X." found in names: X. Vladislav (see family tree), X.Alexander (see text and metric Agathon); then if you follow my logic, this combination - the romanized version of the name, the patron saint of whom were canonized great Polish-Lithuanian princes, there are Russian, "the book. Vladislav "(similar to" book. Olga, in holy baptism, Elena). This is probably the historical Prince Vlad I Loketok (1260-1333)and Witold Duke of Lithuania, in baptism - Alexander (1350-1430). But these are my personal views.
The location of some cities, villages, etc.
Can be traced on the map (I used "Atlas of the roads of the USSR"Vol. 1988) as follows.
Dashkovka, owned by Jerome - see to the south of Mogilev
about 10 km.
The names "Skomorokhy" not on map , but judging by theirlocation – formerVolynskoe Silesia, now - the Volyn region (western Ukraine, on the border with Poland), in relation to Dashkovka - it's too far away. But if we assume that Skomorokhy bestowed
King Jan Kazimierz ,in addition to the nickname "Poluyan, it mayrelate to the military actions that took place in Ukraine, because in 1651, for example, succeeded in defeating the gentry army of Bogdana Khmelnitsky in its territory.
[see well as information on Theophile Gurchin in the directory"Historical and genealogical information about the noble birth"(" Herbarz Polski. Czest 1. Wiadomosci historczno-genealogiczne ... wydal Adam Buniecki. Tom VII. Warszawa. 1904")].
Maybe Jerome and Theophilus were brothers.
Generally, the genus Gurchin was tied to an interesting historical site. According to the legend, then Jerome was of named brother of King John-Casimir - Poluyanov, and before 1656 as "pokoevym" of Jan-Casimir was a young nobleman Ivan Stepanovich Mazepa Kaledin, who in consequence of the famous hetman. Skoropadsky(receiver Blockheads) has given real estate of chemist Daniel to his son - Dmitry Gurchin.
City of Orsha - Orsha is in Vitebsk region of Belarus, an important strategic point.
City Shavelsky can be identified from Siauliai in northern Lithuania.
Okmyane – now Akmene Siauliai County.
Krozsky county - Krazhaysky (litovsk.).
Nemencine , where our baptized Adolph - see north of Vilnius,about 35 km.
Many of the names of settlements can not be identified becauseof their Polish name may not correspond to modern Lithuanian or Belarusian (eg Berzhansky, Rosny, Pokrozhi), not to mention allthe missing names of villages and hamlets. And the cards can notprovide complete information.
As for the terminology, the “farm, folwark”, which appears in later documents the genealogy, this is "the name of landlord farming, adopted in the former western provinces", unlike "maentnosti" (maiatek) - Real estate, patrimony and "good (dobra)” - names, same barony – “the hereditary possession of a large feudal lord”, were "generic" , "complain the King" and "bought”.
The title of "Cavalier"
Form of "cavalier", often used at the beginning of the "Origin(Output)" in Italy, France, Spain, meaning "noble", is commonly used as a "rewarding ". By of Gogol ("Dead Souls", Volume 2, Chapter 3) - The text of the document on the impossibility of acquisition of dead souls, can serve as an illustration of the style, which is written "Output". Obsolete language turnovers and words, the old punctuation, etc. - All this made it impossible to wholly-owned conservation style in translation. Therefore, in some cases I had to think about how to most wisely put it of russian.
A lot of trouble bringing the clerk's handwriting and then adopted,reducing the already obsolete. For example, squiggle "~" above"pue" was povets over "Ur? - native-born, etc.
In this case revealed interesting details. Not knowing the language, could not make out the handwriting clerk, distorted the meaning of certain phrases. For example, in the last will with respect to the three sons of Jerome - appeared on graph Sapieha(Hrabiow Sapichow instead strabiow sapichow).
On the other hand, in the genealogical tree, attached to the " Origin(Output)" , the drafters themselves have made plenty of mistakes. I translated everything literally, as they have written, but at the same time attach the following list of seen me in the translation of obvious mistakes:
Jerome – are not all sons.
Michal, Stanislav – all messed up in relationships with Wroblewskiand Pnevskim. Michal affaires in 1712 and 1717's could not takepart. Another word I have not been able to translate.
Vincent-Paul – missing certificate number.
Frantisek – confused in the text with Felician (I could not help fix - the inaccuracy put in square brackets and, for brevity I called Frantisek of Franz).
The Error In the text translation of the genealogical tree, I marked in red with asterisks, so that the correct text should be read in the appropriate place "Output ". All the check I did not, believe of the compilers, but maybe something else and you'll find. Well as the deputies worked in 1837 on rectifying the "Output" in 1799!
It turns out that our ancestors in a straight line occupies a significant position. In general, the history of putting in order the genealogy and time-consuming collection of all kinds of documents started our direct great-great-grandfather (the number of "rules" put ourselves) - Tadeusz Ignatsievich so you his worthy successor! Clearly impact of genes.
So, let's go "walk" to our ancestors in a straight line.
Who was Jerome Poluyan - repeat does not make sense.
Michal is renowned for being expanded their property through dynastic marriage with Joanna Zabussky. Speaking of events, pursuing these spouses: in 1712, was a lawsuit against Vrublevsky - podchashego Opmyanskogo. Podchashy or chesnik - a courtier employe who brought a drinks to magnate. At the same time this indicated, that Joanna led the process himself and was married a second time. Why? Catholicism excludes divorce, therefore, Michal either died or was killed, the latter being most likely. First, the political situation in Lithuania (including the territory of modern Belarus) in 1705-1707 years was very tense. There was a Great Northern War. Peter served on the side of King August, on the side of Charles
– King Stanislaw Leszczynski (at the Diet of Poland was not yetelected a single king). Vicar Lithuanian - Sapieha (from which Gurchin received confirmation of their rights to ancestral lands and other lands) from the outset was on the side Stanislova. Entry Charles into Lithuania in the winter of 1705-1706 finally convinced the Lithuanian shlyahtetstvo to move to the side Leszczynski. This process completed in 1707, and the Great Lithuanian hetman Vishnevetskii even issued a wagon, which called for widespread fighting with supporters of Peter and Augusta.
On the other hand, at this time many of the nobles, taking advantage of the general political confusion, actively taking the usual assaults on each other. In general, the internecine wars have been fought for years and decades. Domestic details such strife is well shown in the TV series "Marius" (broadcast on TV (Channel 1) in May 1995). In turn , this is instigated the duels and just ordered murder. Does his death, died Michal - We do not know, but Joanna stayed with her dowry. She remarried, sued the invader, was doing business on the collateral itself or together with her sons from his first marriage, protecting their interests.
Son Michael - Frantisek was a mayor of town Orsha (government appoints the Governor to administer the city, its building and repair), then went to Samogitia (Zhmud) to the north of Lithuania, where he bought new estates.
Son Frantisek - Ignacy wore the title of captain (unfortunately, I do not have a corresponding "Table of Ranks", this is usually the captain's rank), he further expanded the land holdings of father. His brother, Nicodemus, was claimed to his sole ownership, but brought the case before trial and failed.
Son Ignacy - Tadeusz (along with the rent from the Crown estates, inherited by his eldest son - Clemens) was owner his own fiefdom,and how solid a landowner actively participated in the election of the nobility. Initially, he was elected as assessor of the Land Court, then - Border judge Vilnius County. Border judge dealt with a controversial land use issues, ie the location of the boundaries of land holdings belonging to the village and private person. Officials - mezhevschiki defined the boundaries of land and water, then boiled down the information in the so-called carved books (from XV century).
Interesting twist of fate: the most ardent land feuds in the family(based on surviving documents) were made in 1700 - 1716's, andsince 1831, Tadeusz Gurchin himself is a judge in similar, butcivilized debate.
Finally, Adolph Agaton-Faustin, about his in the "Conclusions (Origin)" is only known, that his knighthood is officially confirmed, that at the time of writing he is approaching adulthood (21 years).
Metric ID
In the text "Output" Adolph Agaton Faustin was named more simply and Agathon, Adolf. Reproduced in the same text of the metric is identical to a separate copy of the metric itself (where there is only one name christened - Agathon) on the basis of the following matches:
1) date - 16, 2) place of birth - Nemencine, 3) name - Agathon.
With regard to polyonymous, then this Catholic tradition goes back to the very prosaic desire to get the maximum number of heavenly intercessors, whose names are given to a child.
Further, in the metric in the number of witnesses called baptism, and H. Alexander. Is it not his brother of Thaddeus - H.Aleksandr Theodore? (See the text and the family tree). Mysterious word next to its name in the space of witnesses "Admin" I do not decipher (something connected with the administration or I did not understand the handwriting?)
And the most interesting - a metric Henry-Luka!
Here are my thought:
The very name of Henry Luka (Hendriќ-Lukarz) corresponds to the stories my grandfather that his father actually named Henry and his grandfather - Adolf (I still remember the pre-school age), and that Henry was named Luka became the Orthodox baptism. Now it is clear on what basis was chosen name Luke (Lucas), because the correspondence to Henry in the Russian Orthodox calendar, simply was not.
Place of birth - Kurzhische, and grandfather, as you write, calling the village Kurenets. First, the name of the village and the estate may not coincide, and secondly, we must take into account the linguistic transformation of the type Shawel -> Siauliai, Krozno -> Krazhay etc.
Year of birth, baptism: 1859 coincides with the inscription on the photo Luka Adol'fovich: "filmed in St. Petersburg in 1883 on a 3-year My military Service ..". Man is served in the last century with 21 years (age), then have a service started in 1880, then 1880 - 1859 = 21.
Can was and Wanda- Emilie? Indeed, in the metric given by Adolf, not Agathon. In russified text metric then appeared to Agathon, who loses in the sound of the name Adolf. Named Adolf, is probably more like to call our ancestor, and also than a third name - Faustin. Full, trehstopnoe name does not indicate why the same can not be Emily, in her view, less sweet Wanda (Wanda though - the name of a legendary ancient Polish queen)? Or conversely, the name of Wanda was home, used only the closest, in the name? Maybe the clerk was saving paper?
Other nuances
When translating, I tried to stick as closely as possible the original text, giving a literal translation at the expense of Russian style, so some phrases sound tongue-tied. Many words have more modern synonyms, I left in the old version to save the "old" style.
For example, the writing of our family name I have left in the Polish version.
Regarding the term "surname" (from the Latin family, relatives), in the Russian language is "race", but then the heading "Conclusion names nee Poluyanov Gurchin Emblem Kruposin" in such a transfer would have sounded very boring: "Genealogy of Gurchin "etc.
The word "szlachetny" in modern Polish means "noble" but I prefer a stronger version: gentry - nobility. In Polish metrics, this option is more acceptable: the title of "szlach" appears after the name, but in the Russian version of the old metrics maintained: "Adolf Noble and Emily ...", although it has the same meaning.
About what is a 6th of the pedigree of the book, I wrote to you earlier. But I think it useful to repeat the main points.
The Gentry book, in which all the nobles the population was recorded pogubernski and pouezdno, were filled by aristocratic parliamentary assemblies in each province and district, chaired by the leader of the nobility. In these books, the nobility was divided into 6 categories. The sixth part was given for an ancient Russian nobility, the ancestors of the majority of whom are foreign immigrants. To make this part of the pedigree of the book, need to prove the nobility at least 200 years before the present time.
After the three sections of the Commonwealth (1772, 1793 and 1795 years) the territory of Lithuania and Poland was joined to the Russian Empire, so the records of the local gentry matrikulov began to move into the Russian genealogical books. Tadeusz Ignatsievich mentions the decree of the deputation in 1799, who officially recognized his family as true nobility, and painted on the 6 th of the pedigree of the book. The only reason for requiring a retrial - careless reference to dates and documents. 1799 - 200 = 1599, ie almost 1600. Thus, the Russian authorities are not required, apparently, an earlier proof of nobility. This indirectly explains why the development of this branch of the family began with Jerome (1652 Testament - 1600 = 52), but not taken earlier.
Why then was taken as a criterion of antiquity kind in 200 years? The wording of record on the 6 th of the pedigree of the book was approved under Catherine II. This is done in opposition to breed a new aristocracy, which assigns even titles of Counts. Painted as the sixth part were called hereditary nobility, a noble title which is automatically passed on to subsequent generations. In contrast to those on, for example, in the third part of the nobility where and received a record by a certain seniority ranks of the Civil Service or as a result of awarding the Order of the Russia and other personal nobility, who could not boast of either its origin or transmission of the noble dignity of children.
Here we want to dwell on the well-known article from the Encyclopedia Britannica and Efron. Indeed, from the standpoint of our present knowledge of his ancestry, the article is made quite casually and formally, causing a lot of questions. Firstly, it is clearly seen, that the drafters used the same documents, which now have ourselves. But why, then, Jerome (formerly of which no one in the "Conclusions of ..." is not specified and therefore, all as delicately called the "ancestor") was granted the estates in 1652? After all, in fact, in 1652, on the contrary, he gave his estate to sons, who, incidentally, to this year there were four! In the "Conclusions ..." was said simply: "ancestor of his ... had their possessions ...". But if only in 1652, Jerome would complain nobility or estates, he is not called an ancestor and proof of ownership would have been mentioned charters: as elsewhere in the dictionary, and in the "Conclusions ".
Next. Witold Vikenty (Russian Biographical Dictionary Polovtsiev AA) fell to the dictionary , probably due to the fact that the 1893 edition he was listed as already fallen hero, and his younger brother, Alexander – even modestly good health in the position of commander of the Vilna district. It is unclear why in the article appeared part 1 of the provincial genealogical books, while the brother of the aforementioned generals - Adolph Blazhej was recorded at 6-part (see the Help file of Irkutsk, not to mention "Conclusion " 1837).
And finally, why the Russian-Polish race? According to the documents listed in the "Conclusions", Gurchin was married as noblewoman with a clearly Polish surnames (Emilia Nabutov, at first glance, a Russian, but it is a feminine form of Polish surnames Narbut). But they themselves are not distinguished by an abundance of Russian names. Even Daniil Gurchin, pharmacist, when considering his handwritten signature was Daniel.
Relations between Russia and Poland finally turned sour in the middle of the XVI century (Livonian War) and it is a clear or hidden standoff lasted until the twentieth century. Therefore, if we take the obvious Russian component type Gurchin, the roots of this need to look far before the XVI century. Of course, it may be assumed that the author of the article in the dictionary was had a more advanced information about other members of the genus, at least on the Apothecary Daniel, considering it name Russified, but it is unlikely he had access to secret archives of the office (letter to Benckendorff from 1843) or dug up documents are not known.
Let us return to the text "output ".
The last partition of Poland in 1795 something that clarifies the origin of double dates of certain documents. A decree officially confirming the right kind - from May 5, 1799. Consequently, for submission to the Heraldry was necessary to assure old documents, that probably was made in 1797 (the second date of documents in 1700 and 1706 years). In other cases, when the difference in double dates is not so great, I suppose just about the dynamics of the processes reflected in these documents.
Here, perhaps, and all the short comment.
PS. Executed a computer translation.
Please suggest a literary translation. |