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Гурчин Игорь Иванович

Gurchin Igor

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Rodzina. Herbarz szlachty polskiej. Tom V. Warszawa. 1908. s.12.
HURCZYN Teofil zawarl 1664 r. ugode z Zawadzkim w Belzie (Gr. Bels.75 f. 341). Mateusz podpisal manifest szlachty litewskiej 1763 r. (V.L.). Jozef Gurczyn, chorazy powiatu kro(skiego?), podpisal 1786 r. uchwaly sejmiku zmudzkiego.

HURCZYN Theophil in 1664 entered into an agreement with Zavadsky in the city of Balti.  Mateus in 1763 signed a manifesto of the Lithuanian nobility. Joseph Gurczyn, standard-bearer (horunzhy) Krazhayskogo county, signed in 1786 an order of Lithuanian Seimas.

It should be noted that in that source of noblemen Theophil, Mateus and Joseph go to the paragraph under the common surname HURCZYN, but within a paragraph Joseph - under the surname Gurczyn. This is due to close sounding first letters of names. The documentary, historically, and thus correct, the Russian surname Gurchin be identified with recording HURCZYN.

Herbarz Polski. czesc 1. Adam Boniecki. Tom VIII. Warszawa. 1905. s. 236.
HURCZYN  h. KRUPOSIN(?). Na Litwie pisano ich takze Gurczyn I Gorczyn; maja pochodzic od Gorczynow rodziny miejskiej krakowskiej, do ktorej nalezal Piotr, slynny wierszopis z czasow Zygmunta III. Mateusz podpisal manifest szlachty litewskiej 1763 r.  Potomstwo Michala, syna Heronima, a mianowicie: Antoni I Michal, synowie Antoniego, boleslaw, syn Franciszka,  Aleksander, syn Ignacego, i inni wylegitymowani w Cesarstwie 1847 r. i zapisani do ksiag szlachty gub. Kowienskiej.

In Lithuania, they also write Gurczyn or Gorczyn. They are the origin of Gorczynow (City Cracow family), to which belonged Piotr, a famous poet epoch the Zygmunta III (Zygmunt III Waza rules in Poland 1576 - 1586 ). Mateusz signed a manifesto of the Lithuanian gentry in 1763.

There is also a version of the family names associated with the writing and sound of the second letter in Poland. This letter is associated with mountain-GURA. As we can see, this option of writing the names goes a step further from the historic and begins to associate with people living in the mountains.

  Comparing the comments to both family names, it can be assumed that the name for Poland is not native, but strange. Descendants, who not had documents, written with the family names, but only knew her pronunciation, in later recorded the different family name on the documents.

  In favor of the uniqueness of the family names said that in the handbook Rymuta (Rymuta) variations of names Gurchin in 2002 in Poland there are only a 46.


Ogolna liczba




Ka:4, Sl:9






By:2, El:3, Gd:2, Kn:1, Os:1, ZG:1


Ogolna liczba






Ogolna liczba




Wa:1, Cz:5, Ka:5, Ld:2, Sz:3, Wr:1


Ogolna liczba





In favor of the official version of the names Hurczyn said the following fact.

At Red Square in Moscow in the Museum of History is stored certificate, signed by Peter 1. In 1699 Polish native, pharmacist Aptekarskogo government wrote a petition to Peter 1, signed by Daniel Hurczyn. In 1701 received from King Peter 1 patent on the establishment in Moscow pharmacies N1 and land for it.
Comments on the dates.
Comments on the dates. What linked the above date in history? From 1654 to 1667 Russia was at war with Poland. (Incidentally, in 1654 - the year the accession of Ukraine to Russia and the Year of the reading of wills Ieronima Poluyana Gurchina section of the manors children). The history says that since 1661, and later, until 1667, the states talked over the return of Poland, Belarusian and Ukrainian lands within the borders prior to 1654. Probably, Theophilus Gurchin was one of the ambassadors of Poland Crown. Negotiations with the Russian side on behalf of the king of Alexei Mikhailovich guided ambassador Zavadsky.

Now a comparable age Teofila with Ieronimom. If Hieronymus in 1652 amounted to a will, stating five sons, it's at that time was between the ages of approaching the reverence. Therefore, Theophilus
1) one generation to Ieronimom, but younger than him,
2) a generation of sons Ieronima upwards Theophil, if in 1664 he was entrusted with state affairs.

What flows from this?
Inasmuch as in reference books all Gurchiny recorded together, including Alexander Vikentevich and Ieronim - this is one of the branches of the extensive type, which was close to public affairs and the 1652-1654 year was a their century nobility. Furthermore. 1763. Mateus. In 1762 Peter III issued an "Order of the freedom nobility", ie the not requirement of the military or public service.

In response, in 1763 the Lithuanian nobility created of its own rules (the manifesto). AS long as Gurchiny nestled on the territory of Lithuania, Mateus (again, from another branch of the genus) was the either of the rulers of local gentry, a member of the committee, etc. Main, that his signature has identification state level.
Similarly, with Josef, who in 1786 signed a similar ruling Lithuanian Seimas,

in response to published in 1785 by Catherine II "patent nobility." Thus, Gurchiny manage affairs at the highest level. Therefore, the author of the handbook posted of them on the same level as them and General Alexander Vikentevicha, who was in the king's retinue.
 About that, in Krakow were Gurchiny, shows the following information.

In 1968, I bought a book Jerzy Dobzhitskogo "Cracow" Arkady Warsaw publishing house. It has been translated into Russian. On pages 32-33 of this book is written as follows.

"It should be noted that shortly after the Swedish invasion in Krakow born Polish press. Here, in particular, in 1661, the building Shobera at the Little Market Square, began to go first printed magazine called "Merkurium Polski, history all over the world in itself contains", the publisher who was enlightened and pechatnikom Krakow square Ian Alexander Gorchyn.

"In addition, the Internet on Polish literature in the Electronic Jewish Encyclopedia found that the satirical images of Jews found in poetry treatise "The obsession Polish Crown" - by P. Gorchyn (early 17 century)".

Thus, Jan Alexander and Peter Gorchiny could be brothers (relatives) Ieronim Gurchin.
 Kazimierz Konstantinovich Gurchin believed that the coat of arms Kruposin is Czech, not Polish.

Doubts about the origin of the emblem emerged from a question put next to the emblem in the book Herbarz Polski. Historical archives of the Czech Republic examined the figure emblem, and believed that he was not Czech, but rather South germansy.

This assumption spoke in favor of migration family names Gurchin. Perhaps geographically migration route is the path Bulgaria (Macedonia) -> southern Germany -> Poland -> Russia. K.K. Gurchin believed that "during the campaign of King Jan Sobieski in the ranks of his troops distinguished themselves Gurchiny. As a reward, King acknowledged that race Gurchinov Emblem Kruposin and awarded three brothers land. " The word "recognized" can be interpreted as the fact that the coat of arms already existed and Jan Sobieski recognized him as Polish. But Jan Sobieski became king in 1674, and the encyclopedia Hieronymus in 1652 has already transferred estates sons, as already nobleman emblem Kruposin? Jan Casimir was on the throne from 1648 to 1672.

The question, posed next to the emblem in the book Herbarz Polski, possibly linked to variant names of the emblem. Search the Web Antiquities Poland, associated with the surname Hurczyn, gave the following information. In one of the ancient names of other figures:"... his wife - Jadwiga Hurczyn, herbu Kruposiej, 1850 birth. " Thus, the name of our coat of arms in Poland met in two versions.
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The Arms Kruposinas

Jeronim Gurchin
History Family tree

The doctor Daniil Gurchin

Alexei Gurchin
History Family tree
Гурчины, деревня (район Свислочский, Гродненская область)